Monday, November 6, 2017

Is It Better To Type On A Computer Or Write With Your Hands In Class?

Is it better to type on a computer or write with your hands in class?

In our everyday lives, we always use our hands to write and to type. Science shows that students who type on the computer for classes, they only type what the teacher is saying but the students who write on the paper firstly have to process what is said and they can even summarize it, use fewer words and also understand it quicker than those who type. In my opinion, I prefer to write in class because even as you write, you study the words and you understand it faster.
1. Do you think schools should make us type in class or write in class or even both? Give a reason why.
2. In your opinion, do you prefer to type or write. Give a reasonable reason for this.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Hurricane Maria's Damage, (can you help?)

Hurricane Maria is one of the worst hurricanes to ever hit the regions affected. Those regions include Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Spain, France, and many more. All of these have been hit very badly, there have been many deaths and injuries.

In the regions affected, the survivors are still in very poor conditions. Their houses may be destroyed, or the food supply is low, as well as water. Some need oxygen tanks and many more medical machines. Many residents do not have electricity. As bad as it is, people are finding ways to help the affected. Some of those ways are:
1.     Donating, many organizations have been giving help by donating first aid kits as well a food, hygiene products, school supplies, mattresses, school uniforms for children, and clothes. There is much more too!
2.     Workers for the organizations are in the regions helping with housework, building and sanitation work also.
These solutions are for more professional organizations, but you can donate too. I f you search ‘Hurricane Maria’ up, you will find many sites and you can help out the victims.
-       What could be another solution to help the people affected?
-       What do you think would happen if a hurricane were to hit a very poor town, what if the town was rich?

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Will Artificial intelligence eventually replace human intelligence?

 Science fiction books and movies often wrote about  the dangers of Artificial Intelligence, and sometimes its positive potential.But is it a Myth or coming Reality?
according to me, it seems this reality has already started.
 This topic can be an endless debate. It has already occurred a couple of decades ago, when computers and robots arrive at work and then in our day to day life. The development of Computers take over human jobs in factories for repetitive tasks and automation like in automotive or other industries.The capability of computing science with Artificial Intelligence made another step further.For example, recently, Google Deepmind Alpha Go program wins against the Go professional Player Lee Sedol. This game have billions of combinations and computer programs are performing better than a human brain. Computers do not feel pressure or tiredness and machines possessing do not have any consciousness.Algorithms are more and more efficient. Machine Learning or Predictive Systems are the next trends. They can  used by companies like Google for Search Engine capabilities, by trading system for Banks, by retailers for their product recommendations …
 Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet Of Things (IOT) will also drive transformation in our life.
Nowadays, computers, tablets and smartphones are everywhere and used every time, we cannot really do things without them.This new capabilities will develop new opportunities, benefit our society and hopefully increase our quality of life.
 To conclude on a positive sentence, AI works more efficient than humans but human genius will always be more creative than a computer.

My questions:
  1. With the fast development of AI, Roberts replaced a lot of man work, how can people keep their job and making living?

  1. people use the word immortal to describe humanity but if AI replace human intelligence, what do you think of our humanity?

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Are phones changing the future of the generations in a bad way?

Nowadays, teenagers spend most of their time in the phone. It means, that they do not sleep enough because we/they don’t sleep the 8 hours because they are chatting or playing video games at the middle of the night. Besides from not sleeping, electronic devices emit rays that interfere with bedtime and cause problems with the sleep-wake rhythm. The electronic device that is being used more today is the cell phone. Teenagers are being less social (physically) because they are always in their phone.

1.     1. What do you think that could happen to you if the rays emitted by the phone go beyond the expectations?
2.      2. If you recognize that you are a phone-user-24/7, do you want to sleep more and talk to the people that you have in front of you?

Sunday, October 22, 2017

The Devil's Tower

The Devils Tower is located in northeast Wyoming and is a giant laccolithic butte of igneous rock. Igneous is from the Latin word ignis that means fire. Why fire you may ask, it is because igneous rock comes from solidified magma.

It stands currently at 867 feet (265 m) from summit to base and 5, 112 feet (1, 559 m) above sea level.

In more simple words the Devil’s Tower is a stalk, a small intrusive stalk formed from magma that cooled underneath the earths surface and was later exposed by erosion.

1. If you discovered this monument first, what would you think it was made from at first glance?

2. How long do you think it took for the Devil’s tower to form and come above the surface?

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Will we ever “eat" sunlight

In the passage I that read, the author talks about the possibility that human might be able to photosynthesis in the future. And the author also talked about a kind of aphids, this kind of aphids can produce energy with sun light using a kind of pigment in their body. And the aphids are not the only exception, there is also a kind of bee can do the same thing, using pigment in their body to provide energy. And the corals can also “photosynthesis” but in a different way, there is kind of symbiosis in the corals body. And this is the way animal can photosynthesis, even the rule is that animals cannot photosynthesis, but ever rule have an exception.

In the passage, there is a group of people are working on let other animals photosynthesis. And there is two main problem, the first problem is people cannot find the right part in a plant cell, and if we cannot find the kind of cell, we cannot put it in to the nucleus. The second problem is, an animal need much more energy than plant need, so if a man wants to get all the energy for him to live, he cannot move a lot, he need stay in high surface area, with leafy protrusions, and at that point, that man become a tree.

After I read the passage, I have an idea, if we can find some kind of stimulants to make the chloroplast work faster so that we can get the energy for an animal to move, the reason I am so interested in let people photosynthesis, is because a lot of people in world don’t have enough food to eat, and if we can let them “eat” sunlight, it will solve so many peoples food problem, it will make the world a better place.
1.What do you think about changing our body in to something else?
2.If there is people who can "eat" sunlight, what do you think will happen to the society?

Technology Today

Nowadays, our lifestyle is becoming better and better. Science and technology is becoming stronger and stronger. Electronic products are loved by people, almost everyone has one or two electronic products.

These kind of products makes us lifestyle to be easy and comfortable. When we feel hungry, we only need to use our phone to call the number of the restaurant we’d like to chose. After a few minutes you can own the tasty food you ordered. Also you can communicate with your friends easily in one minute instead of writing a letter.

At the same time, these things can control our mind easily. When we have a party people watch their phone instead of talking, so this party will be very boring, won’t it?

Do you think people need electronic products during their life?
Why/Why not….

Do you think electronic projects control your mind?
Why/Why not…