Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Global Warming by Andres Ponce

Global Warming

by Andres Ponce

I decided to post in this blog information about global warming.
There is a huge impact of climate change in all the world but the people who suffer it more are those who live in poor communities because poverty and isolation because they do not have technology to protect them of bad weather. In most of this communities usually women are the ones that suffer more. Climate change is also bringing illness and disease because the pollution. If we continue throwing garbage in the streets instead of putting it on a trash can global warming will continue increasing. Some countries are suffering a lot because they are running out of water, but at the same time other countries are fighting against the water. This example shows how global warming is affecting the world.
Canada is a country that has lots of natural resources such as water, trees, gold. All this resources that Canada have are going to be super import in the future, other countries are having problems with their resources because of global warming. Canada should focus on climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
A good solution for global warming is stop throwing garbage on streets and to improve technology so countries receive less damage.

1.       Why do people that live in poor communities suffer more global warming?
2.       What benefits does Canada haves on global warming that other countries do not have?

Monday, December 7, 2015

Hibernation is a state of energy conservation during which body temperature and metabolism are drastically reduced. If this state lasts longer than 24 hours, it is called hibernation. There are many mammals that hibernate for example the lemurs exclusively live on the island of Madagascar, where they hibernate during the dry season to conserve water. For most animals finding enough food in winter can be difficult when the main source of food like insects or green plants is in short supply. Some animals solve this problem by hibernating. Hibernation is a deep sleep that helps them to save energy and survive the winter without eating much. During hibernation the animal’s body temperature drops, and its heartbeat and its breathing slow down so that it does not use much energy. But the problem is that some animals are having insomnia because they are being disrupted, and they are being disrupted by humans. The humans are bothering the animals while sleeping because they want to hunt them, or because the deforestation.  



1. What do you think it is a good way so the humans stop bothering the animals while they are sleeping on winter?
2. Why do you think hibernate its important for the animals?

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Why is texting bad?!?!


Texting on social media is fun to take selfies, texting and facetime. Technology has improved, so much. Maybe in 10 years the iPhone will be smaller and you can maybe transport. But that is not my reason. My reason is texting. Science research figured out lots of people text and drive. They say texting and driving is worst then drinking and driving. Even though we have not started to drive yet and we are still in high school doesn’t mean we don’t have to lean about driving we can still learn. When we text and drive you take your eyes off the road. Then you don’t know where you are going because your too busy to look up when you are driving, because you are texting your mom or friends. In the past in 2011 there was 23% of accidents where from texting and their eyes where off the road. Even parents are starting to do it texting and driving is actually illegal to do so use Bluetooth. The fine for texting and driving is $115 to $145!!! When you get older save your parents and your friends don’t text and drive, or take their phones away until you reach to your destination. Also texting can affect your mood around people and relationships texting can be an excuse to not listen to people and ignore them, which is not very nice. When you text someone and you try to be funny and you say something as a joke like “your so useless like your mom” it can hurt them and have bad effects on them, and you learn new bad languages from friends so they can influence you to do something bad.


1.     What is your favorite social media? And why is it your favorite? (Example; Snapchat because I can send funny pictures to my friends with different filters!!) 

2.     2.When you are at home alone and you have your phone and or your computer what do you do? (Example; I go on Instagram and cheek everyone’s photos and like them all.) 


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Exercise Pain and How to reduce it

After you finish doing exercise you are really tired and injured sometimes, and that it's normal, but then to treat the pain, what should you do? there are 2 things you can do. 

The first one is cold therapy, or cryotherapy, it is usually recommended right after you finish doing your workouts or when you are hurt, to heal the injury (like a severe bruise or sprain). the RICE sequence- rest, ice, compression and elevation- helps reduce the pain and inflammation of the injury. It loses efficacy a day after or so, and then there is when heat comes. 

Both heat and cold can help to heal the injury, you can use both separately or together, for example you first put ice on the injury and you follow RICE and a day after you put heat in the injury. The researchers concluded that both heat and cold are effective in reducing muscle damage, but cold used immediately after exercise or 24 hours later was superior in reducing pain, and heat takes longer to reduce it, but it stills works to reduce it or heal it. 

1- Which way do you like better? Why?
2-What do you usually do to heal and injury? Have you ever use heat or ice to heal it?

by Natalia Rodriguez

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Ways to treat our muscles when it is blue.

Using ice to heal the pain is always recommended right after we got hurt, like a severe bruise or sprain. The familiar rice sequence helps reduce the pain of such an injury. It loses efficiency after a day or so, and then gentle warming can really help. For the muscle pain that is long to heal or it just took a long time that we could jump with it, in that case, we could use both heat and cold to heal it, but scientific studies comparing the efficiency of treatments have been sparse and inconclusive.

This year, a new article published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, looked at muscle damage and pain in 100 people of comparable fitness. Half received either cold or heat treatment after 15 minutes of leg squats and half received no treatment. The researchers concluded that both heat and cold appeared to be effective in reducing muscle damage, but cold works immediately after exercise in reducing pain.


1. What way, to heal the pain in muscle, do you think will work the best for you when you have a bruise on your leg or arm?

2. What is the advantages to using a cold treatment, like ice?

Sources: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/10/science/should-you-treat-muscle-pain-with-ice-or-heat.html

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

by Fred Migneault


Scientists have compared the hunting habits of wild mammals, birds and fishes with those of people. Their new study shows that humans are strange predators. Unlike other animals, we target adult prey in large numbers. That is a practice that can push populations of those prey into decline, the researchers warn.
People mainly target at least among wild mammals and fishes prey that are old enough to reproduce. Those are the animals that have babies and keep their populations going, explains Chris Darimont. He is a conservation scientist at the University of Victoria in Canada. Many baby animals don't live long enough to become adults. Killing too many of the few that do can shrink groups of wild animals over time.
To avoid that, Darimont and his colleagues want people to switch to the hunting patterns of other mammals or fishes. That would mean targeting young prey, not adults. Also, we would have to take smaller percentages of animal populations than we currently do.
A shift toward younger individuals would be more sustainable, says Thomas Reimchen. Also at the University of Victoria, he worked on the study, too. Being sustainable means that resources are used in a way that allows them to continue to be available long into the future. Reimchen acknowledges, though, that changing human habits would not be easy.
He has been itching to analyze people as a predator since 1976. At that time, he was studying populations of small fish. Called three-spine sticklebacks, these fish were living in a Canadian lake where 22 kinds of predators feasted on them, including trouts and loons. But the stickleback population didn’t change much in number from year to year. All those predators were eating less than 5 percent of the stickleback mass in the lake. Mostly, they ate the youngsters.
 In the ocean nearby, he saw commercial fishing. These fishermen were catching 40 to 80 percent of all of the nearby adults among the species they were targeting. Reimchen recalled thinking that it seemed such targeting of adults would not allow fish populations to remain stable.
Humans are primates without fangs, claws, horns, much running speed or a great sense of smell. But people have guns, nets, vehicles, refrigeration and other technologies. The technologies are used on hunts, Darimont explains. And that has given people predatory superpowers.



1-     Do you think it’s a good idea to make people switch to the hunting patters of other mammals or fish?

2-     they said that technologies are used on hunts in the article. Give example.