Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Why is texting bad?!?!


Texting on social media is fun to take selfies, texting and facetime. Technology has improved, so much. Maybe in 10 years the iPhone will be smaller and you can maybe transport. But that is not my reason. My reason is texting. Science research figured out lots of people text and drive. They say texting and driving is worst then drinking and driving. Even though we have not started to drive yet and we are still in high school doesn’t mean we don’t have to lean about driving we can still learn. When we text and drive you take your eyes off the road. Then you don’t know where you are going because your too busy to look up when you are driving, because you are texting your mom or friends. In the past in 2011 there was 23% of accidents where from texting and their eyes where off the road. Even parents are starting to do it texting and driving is actually illegal to do so use Bluetooth. The fine for texting and driving is $115 to $145!!! When you get older save your parents and your friends don’t text and drive, or take their phones away until you reach to your destination. Also texting can affect your mood around people and relationships texting can be an excuse to not listen to people and ignore them, which is not very nice. When you text someone and you try to be funny and you say something as a joke like “your so useless like your mom” it can hurt them and have bad effects on them, and you learn new bad languages from friends so they can influence you to do something bad.


1.     What is your favorite social media? And why is it your favorite? (Example; Snapchat because I can send funny pictures to my friends with different filters!!) 

2.     2.When you are at home alone and you have your phone and or your computer what do you do? (Example; I go on Instagram and cheek everyone’s photos and like them all.) 



  1. 1-My favorite social media is instagram, it is my favorite social media because I can see everyones photos and see what they are doing or where they are I can also publish photos of me.

  2. 2-When I am home alone in my phone I always chat with my friends about different things and I also see all the social media to entertain and see my friends what are they doing, and when I don't have something to do I just play few games in my phone.


  3. 1. My favorite social media is Facebook because I can check what everyone are doing and I also can find a lot of funny videos on Facebook. I also like Facebook because I can share my pictures and fanny videos to my friends. Facebook makes me happy and funny moments. That’s why Facebook is my favorite social media.
    2. If I am at home by myself and I have nothing to do than I will watch movies on my computer. Watching movie is one of the favorites time. Or I will check news on my computer. I like to know what is happening in the world and how do they change. To know more information is good for me and future that’s why I will check news when I have time.

  4. I think instagram is my favorite media because i really enjoy watching fotos. I think that in this media you can comunicate a lot.
    2) I aleays go to facebook and start checking fotos, status and videos I think that you can find very cool videos on facebook, and also you can learn new things. I really enjoy tiding this blog

  5. my favorite social media is facebook because I like seeing all the funny video that are poste there. Plus I can talk with facebook at my friend that are at montreal.

  6. I play game on my ipad like minecraft, alphalt 8, ect or I go on facebook to go talk to my friend.

  7. 1. Instagram, you are able to comment, post and see what your friends are doing. You can share photos and videos and able to like others as famous people of professional photographers
    2.going on Instagram, snapchat of Facebook, seeing movies in Netflix too

  8. 1- my favorite social media is snapchat because I really love to take selfies and to send them to my friends. it is really fun with the new filters and the faces you can do. also because you can see what your friends are doing and it's really fun.
    2. I watch tv shows, like always. I think that's the only thing I do on my computer, and sometimes also facetime with my friends
