Sunday, October 25, 2009

Polar Bear Habitat Proposed for Alaska


The article is about polar bears and the possible extinction of them because of several reasons like melting ice (because of global warming), hunting, commercial activities and tourism. In America there are roughly 3,500 bears.
In the article they also talk about political problems and how that problems affect bears. They want to create a protected area for them in Alaska so they could be away from any danger and stop extinction.
They are planning to do this by June 30, 2010.
I think that making a protected area will be good for bears because then the place were they live will not be contaminated, but still if they are in the protected area they will not be protected from the global warming. I also think they should not take that much time to discus about political things when we don’t have that much time to safe the bears from extinction.


1. Give another idea to take care of the habitat of polar bears.

2. Can you think how can we protect bears from global warming?


  1. Very interesting article!

    While I was teaching in the Arctic last year, I had the opportunity to discuss with community members the importance of the polar bear in Northern Canada - as the polar bear (nanuk) alongside the inukshuk, has become a lasting image of the north.

    The polar bear decline is of great concern. And, the reasons you mentioned (poaching, global warming, etc...) must be addressed.

    I'm not overly optimistic as to how effective the polar bear habitat would be. How effective have specialized habitats been in the past? Hunters still continue to poach animals in Africa based upon the pricetag associated with various parts (i.e., ivory tusks). with polar bear skins currently selling for upwards of $10,000, would poachers still be inclined to "break the law"?

    Also, with the current obsession over oil, how effective will the habitat be in a very "oil-rich" area?

    Finally, a government supported habitat essentially provides no defence against global warming.

    Definitely some interesting things to consider here...

  2. Exellent article vale!!
    I think that we sould all get worried about this guys. Imagine if we couse the polar bears exstintson, it would be very cruel and unfair.
    Answering your first question vale, I think that we should stop polluting, that it one of the main couses of the spicies extintion.

    I liked this article!

  3. i think to protect the polar bear we should not go to antartica and stuff . because it polutes theair and in a couple of years they might die and we are just watching them die i dont thionk it fair

  4. This is a very scary thing to think about. If humans tries and save polar bears from extincting then we would have to stop all the factories that uses gas, oil, and patroliam. Then we would have the chance to save the polar bears but what about the ozone layer what can fix it? What element is being used to build the ozone layer? We have to find that element and let it into the ozone layer. Even we we keep them in zoo's how can they have the instinct to survive outside in the wild Artic. Also if you close down factories the world economy is going to fall and a whole spicies might be wiped out for another spieces that has no chance to survive if we don't do something. So we are actually stuck in the middle.

  5. I think this information is really important because for some reason we are the ones that era causing global warming and we also are killing animals like polar bears. I can't think about anything to do for them but I will like to I think this will be really difficult I know that there are not too many but steel you can't change its environment.

  6. It think that it's important to save animal life like only do one thing in your life and that can change the world. If you want polar bear try to not killed them !

  7. i think that the only way we can save the polar bears and let them live a happy life is if we stop polluting, and it will also save our life

  8. Some ways you culd save them is by doing simple things like not leaving your room light on or screwing the water tap all the way, these simple little things could help global warming not so bad and save the polar ice caps by melting.
