Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Navy Green: US.Navy Investigates Biofuels to Power Its Ships and Planes

Ships powered by algea and planes flying on weeds.?
This is a project the U.S navy hopes to bring to fruition in the near futur.

This week, the seagoing branch of the military purchased 40,000 gallons of jet fuel derived from camelina—a weedy relative of canola(this biofuel reduces carbon emissions by 80 percent compared with conventional kerosene)—and 20,055 gallons of algae-derived diesellike fuel for ships.

The three goals of this project are fuel security, something that is renewable, and
that they can produce and provide for themselves to reduce their reliance on foreign sources of oil. It also has to be cost-effective. Then, obviously, the environmental benefits that could potentially derive from that."

The Navy hopes to put the biofuels in active planes and ships in 2010 and 2011.As it stands, the Navy uses at least seven different types of petroleum-based fuel and burns nearly 35 million barrels per year.

The main problem this project has encountered so far is finding alternative fuels that will work in many different types of aircraft, ships, engines, boilers and turbines employed by the fighting force.They other thing is finding an alternative biofuel that does not compete in the food market such as ethanol which is derrived from corn.

I think this project is really cool because it consists on finding alternative fuels which are much better for our environment than our conventionnal fuels. The other thing is that theyre ussing fuels that wont have to compete in the food market like ethanol which is really good.


  • In what other aspects of our every day life do you think these biofuels could be used in.?
  • When thinking about these fuels how do you think they will be used in 100 years from now and for what purpose.?
  • If this project were to succed and be fully deployed around the earth do you think ordinary fossil fuels will still be needed and why.?


  1. I think its a great idea because its important to go bio because else our world is going to go down and its important to save the planet and its living. great article.

  2. yeah nice article i think that we need to be a lot more bio for all the nature and those thing

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  5. thats a really good
    idea because it wood reduce the polution of the atmosphere and it would be diferent

  6. I think like all other people that we need to be bio for the earth and for your self to because this is going to be a desater on the earth if no one is bio.

  7. Great work and, fantastic questions!

    It appears as though everyone is on board with the idea that "bio is better". But, Malcolm raises a good question - If we convert, what will happen to the fossil fuels? If fossil fuels become obsolete, what affects could this have?

  8. Thx guys if you have any quetions what so ever about this topic dont hesitate to ask and ill find out for you guys ...

    Ps im currently tring to find the answer to my own question about what will happen to fossil fuels so if u guys find anything plz post it thx =D

  9. im going to try to fing it malcolm =D well im going to try

  10. I am not actually sure what they should use biofuels for exactly, but i do thinks it is a good idea to use them casue they are better for our enviroment and if we keep poluting our world is going to come to an end!!!
    Malcolm that was a good topic, good job!!!!

  11. heyy! its me val!
    I think thaat we can have different points of view about this article. I think that its important to be bio and take care of the planet we live in.
    Nice article.

  12. I think if this project work's that they won't need fosuel fuels because they will be able to use bio fuels for everything that fosuel fuels were used for.

  13. I agree with Jessica, that I have no idea what biofuels could be used for and that we should use them instead of fossil fuels because it would help save our environment.

  14. I like this idea because the military are out going every day with military exercises using fuel and know its bio green thats good for them and the enviroment and the planet
