This article that I read is about the smock in the cities and that this smock affect you in a lot of ways ,also indoors .
They found that outdoor air pollution, ozone, is associated with symptoms of lower-respiratory and upper-respiratory stress that occur in buildings to workers,"
Sick building syndrome is a term used to describe a broad range of ailments, including dry eye, congestion, difficulty breathing, fatigue and headaches that strike workers inside office buildings but disappear when they leave the premises. This studies shoes that the smock is really bad for your body and the problem is that this is almost in every part of the world .
i think that this research in indoors smog really helps the community because it hurts everyone and we really need to take care of our world our people and also we have to take care of us with this smog that we are doing we can get worst diseases.
i really like this article it also shows you that the smok is not also affecting peapole aut side also in buildings an inm your oun home , we should research more abaut this to know more stuff and try to reapear the damage.
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