Sunday, January 27, 2008

Satellite may flail towards earth

I have always been interested about space, and was interested to read this article. I have read in many books that space junk is becoming a serious problem... I'd rather have junk in the middle of the universe than having it crash down on earth. It is actually very often that a satellite falls out of orbit and plunges towards earth but most of them burn up in the atmosphere. The debris that makes it through the atmosphere usually lands in a remote area and cause little or no harm. I thought that I knew a lot about space, but only through this article i learnt that the biggest satellite to fall to earth was named "Skylab" and was 78 tons. 78 tons is 70760.4097 kilograms and a heavyweight sumo wrestler only weighs 150kg +. I wonder why i have never heard of this before. It is probably because it happened in 1972 but still it is really interesting and i wish i knew about it earlier. What amazes me is that they already know about this incident and it is due to fall to earth in late February or early March. That is quite a long way away. My one last thought about this is, I hope it does not hit Stanstead Quebec.

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