Monday, October 19, 2015

Space agencies making moon suitable for human life

Could the lunar south pole support a human base?

European space agencies are to send the first aircrafts to an unexplored region of the south pole of the moon with the purpose of expanding human life and to prevent overpopulation in earth.
It will be a series of missions trying to make that part of the moon suitable for human life. They will send a probe that will dig deep into the moon's surface to try to find raw materials and water to make oxygen and fuel for human consumption.
The European lead scientist for the mission, Dr James Carpenter of the European Space Agency, explains why it is important to move human population and what they will try to do in the moon's surface.

1. Why do you think we should try to expand human life to other planets?

2. Do you think its a good idea for scientists to spend so much time and money to try to expand human life?



  1. 1. I think it because now there are too many people on this planet, and many places are over-populated, so to make more space for people to live. Also, it will be a good place for the scientists to explore more places in the space, because you may be can find something new ingredients, or some new things to help human life.

    2. I think it is a good idea, because even it costs money or time, it will be a big step for human beings. It will help human in the future, and if you compare to the money and time to the big innocent future, I think it is a good idea for trying to expand human life.

  2. 1-I think its very important to expand the human life to the moon because many parts of the earth are overpopulated and we need more space and a very important part is because the resources are finishing like water and it would finish faster because there are more and more new human beings.

  3. 2-Yes I think its a good idea it will help a lot all the world to do this because a lot of people would live more with good and enough resources and we would not be overpopulated and it would be a really good and the people in earth would have like more water and it would be more time that the water finish.

  4. 1.- I think we should try it because I mean this planet is no longer safe, it is too contaminated, too pollution and too much people I think, so maybe by expanding ourselves or trying to it would be a really good option and a better option for the population in this world,
    2.- I think it is a really good idea, I know it may be too expensive and stuff like that but at the end is going to be worth it because is going to give us good chances to expand and have a better live I guess, but I don't know if it would be safe, so they should continue looking because is going to be amazing if they make it.

  5. 1. I think that we should do that because we have too many people on the earth and each person make pollution which is bad for our planet. If we move half of people to other planet we will have chance to keep earth clean for future. That ‘why we should try to expand human life to other planet.
    2. Yes I think it is great idea. I think everyone are start thinking earth is too small for us. I think that to discover other planet that we can stay is revolution of science even if we spend too much money and time for it, it will be great discover for future. One day we will need other planet. Because every year, amount of population are getting bigger. And green area (forest) are getting smaller by cut trees which is earth will be break down soon that’s why we need to spend money and time to discover new planet.

  6. 1. I think that we should expand the human being in other planet, because on earth, it is kind of over polluted and populated, so some smart scientist is thinking about spending tonnes of money to make things that could dig, and find materials to create oxygen for human. if we all move there, it will be over-populated too, so the best way is to bring 1/3 of the population on earth to the moon, and the rest will stay on earth.

  7. 2. I think that it's an awesome idea to spend tonnes of money for creating things that could save the earth, because earth in too small for us, and we're too many, so we need to bring 1/3 of our whole population, to the moon. but if we brought too much people, then, the moon's turn to be polluted.

  8. 1) Because the population in the earth is expanding more day by day and if we do not start finding a new place to live in a lot of time is going to be a mess.
    2) Yes because they are preventing future events investing in this kinds of explorations.

  9. 1. We should expand so we have more territory to expand on and so we can build on. It will also be very interesting to find life in other planets or galaxies. Very good information for scientist.

  10. 2. I believe yes we should use money to explore more lands and find new life and we won't be stuck on this little planet!
