Asthma is a a respiratory condition marked by spasms in the bronchi of the
lungs, causing difficulty in breathing. It usually results from an
allergic reaction or other forms of hypersensitivity. This condition is increasing all around the world so much that it can almost be considered an epidemic.
The unlikely cure might be found in farm dust. Children how grew up on dairy farms had a much smaller chance of developing asthma than the average child who did not grow up on a dairy farm.
In order to verify this, researchers from Europe have performed experiments on mice and believe that the reason for this might be bits of bacteria that are found in farm dust. The bacteria cause an inflammation in the lungs of the mice which later protects them from asthma.
By taking mice and exposing them to the dust found around farms the mice were inhaling bacteria found in the dust which resulted in fewer mice having asthma over their lives. This experiment goes against common thinking which states that in order to be healthy we need to avoid bacteria and use antibiotics as often as possible. The study is based on 26 year old idea, that overuse of antiobiotics have removed essential bacteria which helped train our immune system so that it does not overreact to foreign substances.
Pulmonologist Bart Lambrecht and immunologist Hamida Hammad believe that parts of the bacteria are inhaled by small children where a small inflammation in the lungs prevent larger, more severe inflammations from happening in the future when the children are exposed to substances which might cause a life threatening allergic reaction.
To test their theory they collected these parts of bacteria called endotoxins and allowed young mice to inhale them. They found that in fact the mice which were exposed to the endotoxins had less asthma then the mice which were not exposed to the endotoxins. The team went ever further and looked at the genetics of those mice to find that a specific gene found in mice with no asthma called A20 might be responsible for reducing the inflammation in the air passage way.
Other scientists have found that drinking raw milk also reduced asthma in children living on dairy farms and warn against the farm dust being the only possible reason for reduce asthma.
Overall it is a new piece of the puzzle to help with this growing respiratory condition that so many children around the world are developing. So do not go just yet to a farm to breathe in the fresh air hoping to reduce your asthma, but at the same time take a little break from overusing antibacterial products everywhere in your home.
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Discussion Questions:
1. In their research the scientists state that bacteria are not always bad and can in some cases be a way of training our immune system to work better for the long term. Can you think of any other situations where in order to perform better, one must be exposed to a little bit of danger in order to prevent more serious problems?
2. We live in a world where bacteria are our enemies, yet we have thousands of them living in our stomachs. In fact when we eat yogurt or cheese we are eating food that is made by bacteria. When babies initially start interacting with their environment they explore objects by putting them in their mouth. Is there a balance that can be reached between a home that his covered in bacterial killing produces versus a home that is covered in bacteria?
The unlikely cure might be found in farm dust. Children how grew up on dairy farms had a much smaller chance of developing asthma than the average child who did not grow up on a dairy farm.
In order to verify this, researchers from Europe have performed experiments on mice and believe that the reason for this might be bits of bacteria that are found in farm dust. The bacteria cause an inflammation in the lungs of the mice which later protects them from asthma.
By taking mice and exposing them to the dust found around farms the mice were inhaling bacteria found in the dust which resulted in fewer mice having asthma over their lives. This experiment goes against common thinking which states that in order to be healthy we need to avoid bacteria and use antibiotics as often as possible. The study is based on 26 year old idea, that overuse of antiobiotics have removed essential bacteria which helped train our immune system so that it does not overreact to foreign substances.
Pulmonologist Bart Lambrecht and immunologist Hamida Hammad believe that parts of the bacteria are inhaled by small children where a small inflammation in the lungs prevent larger, more severe inflammations from happening in the future when the children are exposed to substances which might cause a life threatening allergic reaction.
To test their theory they collected these parts of bacteria called endotoxins and allowed young mice to inhale them. They found that in fact the mice which were exposed to the endotoxins had less asthma then the mice which were not exposed to the endotoxins. The team went ever further and looked at the genetics of those mice to find that a specific gene found in mice with no asthma called A20 might be responsible for reducing the inflammation in the air passage way.
Other scientists have found that drinking raw milk also reduced asthma in children living on dairy farms and warn against the farm dust being the only possible reason for reduce asthma.
Overall it is a new piece of the puzzle to help with this growing respiratory condition that so many children around the world are developing. So do not go just yet to a farm to breathe in the fresh air hoping to reduce your asthma, but at the same time take a little break from overusing antibacterial products everywhere in your home.
You can find the article here :
Discussion Questions:
1. In their research the scientists state that bacteria are not always bad and can in some cases be a way of training our immune system to work better for the long term. Can you think of any other situations where in order to perform better, one must be exposed to a little bit of danger in order to prevent more serious problems?
2. We live in a world where bacteria are our enemies, yet we have thousands of them living in our stomachs. In fact when we eat yogurt or cheese we are eating food that is made by bacteria. When babies initially start interacting with their environment they explore objects by putting them in their mouth. Is there a balance that can be reached between a home that his covered in bacterial killing produces versus a home that is covered in bacteria?
1. My situation would be in sports. While playing sports, you are putting yourself at risk of tearing a muscle or breaking a bone. By playing sports, you are protecting yourself from getting hurt in the future because you are building muscle. I have also heard that for every hour of sports that you do, you add two hours to your life expectancy so this will also protect you from death later on.
ReplyDeleteI think that even if we tried to make a house with no bacteria anywhere, it would be impossible. You can kill some bacteria but bacteria is everywhere... even in our food. As it was stated above, some bacteria can also be good for us in the future although they may be slightly dangerous at the moment. I think that for sure there is a happy medium between having no bacteria and having tons of bacteria in your house.
ReplyDelete1.There are many examples of ways that bacteria can be good for you or can help you get better. For example, I believe that everyone remembers the virus that went around called H1N1 and most people got a shot to protect yourself from it. When creating this anti-biotic the scientists used small amount of that bacteria to use as a anti-biotic. This is the same when it comes to snake venom. Scientists collect some samples of the venom and then turn it in to anti-venom.
ReplyDelete2. When people watch Television there are many adds for bacteria removing products that can be toxic if swallowed, touched or even put in the mouth. For baby's, touch and taste is the main ways that they learn. If we left a house full of bacteria and an other one full of cleaning solution there wouldn't be a difference because the baby would still get germs or cleaning solution in its mouth. If scientists tried to make a house with no germs and no cleaning solution it would be impossible because most of the time your body will help you develop an immunity to bacteria.
ReplyDelete2. I think that the baby will still get some bacteria because the object that the baby is toutching and putting in is mouth may have been in contact with bacteria when the object was getting fabric and maybe the object have been in contact with other materiel with bacteria. Plus that they is bacteria every where even if you cleen.
ReplyDelete1. my situation would be to go outside to walk or to take some fresh air because its good for your healt and that you put yourself in danger because you can get a cold from outside, ect... plus that going outside will make you feel better, it will make you feel awake and attentive and will make you be in a better shape.
ReplyDelete1. I think sometimes to get rid of something bad, you need to use something bad. My example would be when someone is using violence against you, you can use violence back. I know violence is never the answer, it's just an example
ReplyDelete2. I think the baby would still get bacteria, maybe because the bacteria killing fluid did not get rid of all the bacteria or maybe there are too much bacteria killing fluids and the baby could get sick
ReplyDelete1. My situation is to go fishing, because when you caught a fish, you make your muscle working, so it's good. But there is a danger side of going fishing, you could drown if you fall in the river, the fish could be stronger than you and it could pull you. But after all, fishing is still good for you, you will be in better shape, your biceps will grow strong.
ReplyDelete1. I think when you see a sign where someone is making you feel that your in danger you should either remove them and take them to another place. It's easier to remove someone to not hurt you or other people. Like for example a camp; when you go to this different place, and you know nobody your putting yourself at risk you can easily hurt yourself, or someone doesn't like you and they hurt you.
ReplyDelete2. I think the new born baby have lots of bacteria in its body, because everything they touch, they put it in their mouth. so all the bacteria, maybe not all but some of the amount of the bacteria on that object will go in the baby's mouth and could make him sick
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ReplyDeleteI think that sometimes the bad option results to be the better answer to the problem, I mean like lying is bad because being honest always give you the good answer to solve the problem, but sometimes you have to lie to make the things right. So I think that by using the bacteria they are doing the better option to solve the problem.
ReplyDelete2.- I think that there is no balance between those two, because at the end the 2 options are bacterias, and both help in some things but both also can make you sick, or in danger, and the baby would still get the bacterias in his or her body.
ReplyDeleteClimbing a mountain may be risky, there's a point in which the only thing you breath is pure air, since I was 3 years I have asthma and doctors have told me that as I grow the asthma goes away, in my situation that has happened, why is that ?
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion there isn't a point where you can't get a balance between a bacteria that is good or the one that is bad, I think that is luck on the things you touch or not, every bacteria has its one consequence their may not be a reaction at first but later as it grows it may be.
ReplyDelete1-I think that viruses are all over so those are bad bacterias and you get sick with them but also with other bacterias you get well because the medicin is made of bacteria so I think that is is regulated because like it is a cause of bacterias but also a consecuence.
ReplyDelete2-I Think that you cant be like protected or away from bacteria, because bacteria is everywhere so in each place it will be bacteria and an example like if you try to not have bacteria in your house it will always be someone or something that haves it or provide it.
ReplyDeleteI think that keeping bacterias out of a place and in this example a house is very difficult because they are some bacterias that are very difficult to kill them so the better thing is eat well to make strong your imune system and you do not get sick. Bacterias are also used to make anti biotic because when they are making a new medicine they put a becteria to fight against the bacteria you have.
ReplyDeleteI did not know what were the options to cure and prevent asthma,but while reading this article i found out that there are many ways to prevent it. I would never had imagine living in a farm could prevent asthma.
ReplyDelete1. My situation is when somebody's skin is burned at the third level. The doctors or the scientists will cut a small piece of the good skin and they will take the cells of the skin to create syntthetic skin to replace the burned skin with the new one. So it's good because the person will have new fresh / fake skin, but it's also a danger because when you cut the skin it might have an infection. Even if there's a risk it's better to take that risk because you will have more chance of surviving.
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ReplyDeleteThere are many situations that I have personally, but my example is hockey. Playing hockey can cause many injuries just by the physicality level. You are putting yourself in the risk just by stepping on the ice. This is the same with any sport. There is a certain level of danger for each sport. There will always be that level of risk that people are willing to take for a game they love. This is my example/situation that is compared to this article.
ReplyDelete2. I don't think there's a balance between them because you can't have a house without bacterias because bacteria are everywhere even in the food the baby will eat and the bacterias are also in the air he or she will breath.
ReplyDeleteI believe that with the baby, there is no possible way to keep baby toys from not gathering bacteria. When you try to kill bacteria, they just grow right back. Bacteria is on pretty much everything. I don't think that there is such a thing as "bacteria free" home. A baby putting a toy is his mouth is in no way good for him. This is my opinion on a baby and a bacteria free home and a bacteria filled home.
ReplyDelete1) I think that sometimes a risky action can make the answer of the problem to solve better like firefighters they have to make a risky action to save another person live
ReplyDelete2) its important to have balance of bacteria within your home because for example at school you will have bad bacteria around you and if you are used to being around something clean you will get sick
1. I think that sometimes it is better to expose yourself to a little bit of danger. Like when you hurt your feet playing football, sometimes its better to keep playing even if you shouldn't , so you don't disappoint your team
ReplyDelete2. I don't think that there is a balance in between, because in both situations the baby would get sick because you can't keep a baby away from bacterias.
1. I think soccer is one of the situation, because when you play soccer, you use your muscles, and also when you do sports, you can keep healthy body. but in other hand, you can be next to risk, because if you hit your head really bad, or if the ball hits you really badly, it can cause some serious risks on your body.
ReplyDelete2. i think it has the balance in its body, but still if the babies put so many things in their mouth, and got too much bacteria, I dont think they have enough immunity to keep it in balance. So that they get sick when they put so many bacteria in their mouth.
1. My situation is when we broke the bone. The doctor will move broken bone to good position because bone has to be straight bone to walk, ran, and do sports. It is good for us because bone will be like health bone and we can do whatever we want. Sometimes they put metal tool inside of skin to help move the broken bone. It is dangerous because there is a possibility to infection.
ReplyDelete2. I think that there is no balance between them. Because there is no place that we can avoid from bacterial. Because we eat food every day and we breathe air every day but there is bacteria in the food and air.