Wednesday, September 23, 2015

clay houses, the new way to build

building houses has been a problem for a will, but today there is a machine called the Big Delta that literally makes a house out of anything. Big Delta uses straw, dirt, mud and water to create a super cheap clay. This machine will 3D print an igloo looking house. This incredible structure stands over 40 feet tall.

The first model was the size of your hand, it made Lego size houses

Earth isn't the only place were people want to 3D print houses from local materials, there are architects who want to the same on the moon.

1.Why would building houses out of clay be a good idea?

2. Architects want to build this same machine up in space would you think that this is a good idea or a bad idea? why?


  1. I think that clay would be a good idea because it's a solid material, resistant to water, it wouldn't fall apart,

    2) I think it's a bad idea cause there are more resistant things to build a house. we do not have to send clay to the moon, we can maybe try to send it to another place

  2. Hidenobu Kaga
    1. I think that it is good idea because it is cheap cost and it can last for long time. In the summer, inside of house is not hot.
    2. I think that it is good idea because the Big Delta is not big machine to bring and I think it is easy to bring that to space. Also material is simple so it doesn’t cost a lot to buy and bring to space. That’s why making the Big Delta in space is good idea.

  3. 1.
    because it is more easy to build house made of clay that to build house that are made of brick. Plus, clay is also more resistant and solid.

  4. 2.
    I don't think that it would be a good idea because it would be more dangerous that a accident happen exemple if the machine build a house on the moon, they may have risk with the temperature and other that the house brake and if they would be people inside, they will die.

  5. 1. I think building houses out of clay is a good idea because we can save many resources like wood, plastic and many other things.

  6. I think its a bad idea because for something to be in space, it needs to be very strong and resistant, which clay is not, and it can put people's life at risk

  7. 1-I think because it save like space that it is important because the houses are not too big and also it save too many resources because it use only like 4 resources and that is very good for the earth.

  8. 2-I think architects want to build and make like houses with this machine because it would be easier and faster to like developed the moon or like put civilization in the moon because it would be very difficult if the like trayied to construct houses in the moon the normal way.

  9. 1. I think that it would be better because the clay its expensive because of what it has, so if the houses are not made of that kind of clay maybe the houses would be cheaper.
    2. I think that is a bad idea, it would so difficult and it would take so long to build something because of the gravity

  10. Building houses of clay is a good idea because you use less materials that may be toxic for the environment. you spend less time building them. even though I think it may not be a good idea because it may not sand for a long time.

    Its a good idea for people trying to live in space but as the same thing I said the last time, depending on the environment, we don't know how things are really in space, so we don't really know if a clay house is going to stay there.


  11. 1- it will be a really good idea because it will be a new way of building things of different materials, and actually clay isn't that good, sometimes it can damage the environment. It is a really good inversion, because now you can build buildings and houses everywhere with out the need of clay.
    2-I think it has it's goods and bad, in a good part it would be that is a new way of experimenting in the space, and building more things for our world, and maybe it will kind of help, but in a bad way it would be because it can cause more damage than the world already has, because maybe something could go wrong and instead of building something you will be destroying something, and maybe it won't resist and it won't we strong enough to be build in the space.

  12. 1. I think it is a good idea to built a house using a clay, because clay is very light, and easy to use, and when it dry up, it will be hard. But, may be it is a bad idea too, because the clay can be softened when the water touches it, so it will be bad for rainy days, which is nature and you don't know when it is gonna rain.

    2. I think it is a bad idea, because it can shrink by the pressure, and it is going to have a big risk if that machine breaks. It will be better if you send those machine to the poor country, so that everyone can have a home.

  13. 1. Yes it could help people in poorer locations like Africa where it is harder to get shelter and it could save them because it is a cheap material but it makes a good sturdy home.

  14. 2. No I think that it would not be good because it is not the most sturdy material and if it fell apart in space, it could be dangerous for the astronauts.

  15. 1. Clay houses would be very important because it wouldn't use as much materials. There will not be as much many spent and it won't take as many people to build houses. Many more houses can be built this way.
    2. This could be very helpful in space. Instead of having people go in rocket ships up there to fix things that have problems, we will have these things help us. This would cost money to put up there but it would take less people and eventually not as much profit. This is a very good idea in my opinion.
