Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Is the technology going too fast?

Is the technology going too fast for us?

For 10 years, the Apple iPod has evolved. It is now smaller, thinner and lighter. But, if we look 10 years from now, was is the same? Was the shape, the colour the same? Were the people buying it the same? No. Now, it is rare that someone doesn't have an Ipod, any other music reader of that kind. Apple is a huge company, and a huge producer.

Scientists of today are now wondering if it is going too fast. Every months\two months a new product is on sale. With new applications, new possibilities. This is way too fast. Why? Because if, for example, you buy an Ipod in October. It is the fourth generation, there is a camera, and you get the Wi-Fi on it. The price is starting from 200$ to 400$. But, who knows if there is going to be another I pod, in two weeks? 200 $ for something that you will use, but that will cost 100$ in a month. 

This is why people are now confused with those big companies like Apple, Sony, Windows. Every time they buy a product, something new is coming directly after.

Also, technology is a problem because we cannot do without it, and our use of it clearly makes us both better and worse.

When was the last time you looked into a book or a dictionary to research information, for a project at school?How many times, in a day, do you go on Google or Yahoo or any other research program?

How many times in a day do you use your I pod, or your cellphone?
As I am talking, you are on a computer. The technology is in front of your eyes, the future is too. What is this gonna be like in 30 years or 50 years?

1- What is the future of technology?
2-What are the things you  use everyday(I pod, Cellphone, Computer, Laptop,Etc.)


  1. 1. I think technology is going too fast. I think the future of technology is a program that you'd only need to think for it to be realized.
    2. Personally, I use my iPod every day, my laptop every day, the television almost every day.

  2. 1. The future is the the future. It isnt decided what new technology will come in the next decade. Hologram projectors and 3D ipods? Time will tell what inventions will appear.
    2. I use my cellphone everyday to talk to my family and friends, and my ipod to listen to music. I rarely if ever watch TV

  3. 1. in the future i think all the stuff you need in your daily life (cellphone,iPod, laptop, watch) will be in just one thing.
    2.i use my cellphone every day to text with my friend and also my ipod to listen to music

  4. 1. I think that technology is moving way to fast and that in the future is the future.
    2. i use my cell phone Ipod, computer,and sometimes watch TV.

  5. 1- I think that technology is developing very fast, i think you'll need technology in the future for your daily use.
    2- I use my phone everyday to text or call my family and friends, i also use my sisters ipod on the weekends.

  6. 1:I don't think the technologie is going to fast because when there is a new product we just have more choice and then we can sell the old one maybe you lose money but you want it
    2:I use my computer and my cellphone everyday

  7. 1. I think the future of technology is holeografic display and 3D.
    2. I use my phone every day to talk with friends and my ipod to hear to music at night and I also use the computer almost every day.

  8. 1 The future of technology is not in our hands. it is in the hands of big companys like you said. they are going to decide what is going to be the next big invention.
    2 what i use every day is my cellphone and the computer; i cant watch the tv couse i dont have one at SC

  9. 1) Yes technology is growing and I think in the future we will use it every single day (pretty much it will take over are lives in the future at this pace)
    2) I use for technology I use my Ipod and my computer.

  10. 1- Technology is going by so fast that we have no idea of what could happen in the future, it could be anything. They get better and better every time, and I think that there will be one point in our lives were we are not going to be able to live without technology and I don't think that is a good thing.
    2- I use my phone, Ipod, computer, TV almost every day. I'll try to disconnect a little.

  11. 1. i think technology is going way to fast for us and we are becoming more and more dependent on it this could cause a huge problem in the future.
    2.I use my iPod and the computer almost everyday your article made me realize how dependent i have become to them.

  12. 1. i don't get it
    2. computer iphone camera earphones speaker light ...

  13. 1.In my opinion i want technology to go even faster because then we would have more medical equipment to cure diseases that we couldn't before.

    2.I usually use my Xbox,Ipod,TV and my computer.
