Monday, September 26, 2011

Super Power Spiders!


We have all seen spider webs – on the trails we walk on or in the corner of our bedrooms catching flies and other insects. Author Rachel Ehrenberg writes about the other known and possible uses of animal silk. The material insects use to spin webs or create cocoons is called silk.

Silk from insects like spider or silkworms is extremely strong and natural. Researchers are looking into ways to use natural silk for additional uses. Bulletproof vests and parachute cords are two possible ways. But the silk could also be used inside our body – to protect cells, like bone or nerve cells while they regrow and repair themselves.

Spider silk is so valuable that scientists are trying to find additional ways to produce it – like altering the DNA of a goad so that it produces silk proteins in it’s milk. I suppose that this would make it a lot easier to harvest than getting it from the spiders.

I think this is a really interesting topic – but I think I would be nervous to let them plant silk producing spider genes into my body no matter what the possible positives are!

Read the article and see what you think for yourself.

Discussion Questions:
1. Can you think of additional ways that strong and stretchy fibers could be used to help us on the outside of our body?
2. If the science was mastered – do you think you would use silk fibres to help your body from the inside? Say it could help repair a broken bone?


  1. 1. A buggie cord could be used by the silk because of it is strong and stretchy.

    2. If the scientest had made it work I would still not use the silk on the inside of my body. I might consider it if it was a very bad break of a bone. But it would have to be a very very bad break to have me use silk from a spider inside of my body.

  2. Very cool article! Here's my response:
    1. The strong and stretchy fibers could be used as a protection method, like a helmet or pads for skateboarders. It would help break the fall, and protect of fragile skin and bones from harm.

    2. I don't think we could get that deep into our body's to repair a bone - yet. We as humans aren't developed enough to do something like that. Maybe injecting the silk fibers into our blood stream would strengthen our blood vessels, and carry it through our body. It could also strength our bones!

    Maybe sometime in the future they'll make the body of a car with the silk fibers so it protects the motors and what not.


  3. 1.I think that we coul use them as a type of glove that would be good for some kind of sport that need glove because it will protect their hands like forsoccer and hockey
    2.I think it would be a little crazy to do it because maybe it would make us too different like a remake of spider man but more monstruous! or it could even kill us

  4. I can't believe this article.
    1. maybe we could use the fibers for a strong rope that would make mountain climbing easier.
    2. I, personally would never let anyone put those fiber in my body, it would be to weird.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Interesting article. My response is:
    1. We could design/make clothes with the fibers, mixing them with other products to make it look natural. The fiber clothes would last a while without being teared up because of the strength of the fibers.
    Another idea, perhaps more plausible, would be to make elastics out of the spider fibers. You could pull them and they surely would never break. They would last a long time and would be as stretchy and even stronger than normal elastics.
    2. I don't think it would be a good idea to include these fibers in our bodies because it could be harmful in some ways to the person. It guess it could maybe even poison us. I think more research would be needed before trying to repair bones or tissues with these fibers.

  7. This is a very interesting and cool article! Here are my respone:
    1. I think we can use the silk for elastic bandes cause it is stretchy and could use an upgrade for endurance when it comes to a limit when it is been stretched.
    2. If science found away to master it I think I wouldn't be using silk in my body because it would be gross and probably we would have to use a lot of silk for something like that.

  8. Interesting article, my response is:
    1.maybe we can use the strong fiber of a climbing rope for activities like mountain bike to protect the fall if it ocurs and also to winter activites for protect parts in the body like head o knees when your skin gets warm when you fall down.

    2.If that ocurs i probably say no because besides it would repair the bone, we would need tones of it and i wouldnt like that silk is in my inside body.

  9. 1 I think we could probably use silk for the fishing string and that way you could catch biger fish.

    2 I would use silk to hheal my bones inside my body because that way i would be shure it would heal perfectly.

  10. 1. It could be used for mountain climbing with the rope they use.

    2. I think we could us the silk like a cast to cover the skin instead of the silk covering our bones

  11. 1.It could be used as a under armor for sports to reduce the chances of being cut or badly injured.

    2.If this was possible i would actually put the genes in my body because i play a lot of rough sports and would it would help me to not get injured.

  12. 1- We could maybe make warm clothes, very warm for winter; it would be strong stretchy and it will last for along time. Or maybe also to make baskets out of it, they will support heavy things.
    2- Maybe if scientists proved that it is ok to do so, I would. If it will solve my "problem" it's fine, as long as it is safe.
