Sunday, September 19, 2010

The secret power of youtube.

The secret power of youtube :
Ideas worth spreading.

Everyone thinks or at least almost everyone that youtube is a website for teenagers idiocy, mindless narcisism, watching funny videos making fun of other people.
But not everyone knows that it has now becamed a new form of communicating people news, its called : crowd-accelerated innovation. Which means that like before people have been innovating new types of communication such as printing (books, newpapers, magazines) internet is now one of them, not just youtube. What is really impressing about this new type of communication is that is now allowing the rest of the worlds talents (not just news)to be shared digitally, Justin Bieber is one example. Online video is driving astonishing innovation in thousands of different fields from the ultra-niche to the sharing of truly world-changing ideas.

Questions :
Do you think youtube should be used only for entertainment ?
Can you think of other to come forms of communicating ?


  1. now there are more ways to comunicate as mesenger or facebook or some other social networks, even the mail

  2. good questions ceci!

    i agree with juan carlos - the ability to engage in social networking has skyrocketed to new heights. there are so many ways to communicate these days: facebook, twitter, e-mail, text-messaging etc...

    however, my question is, is it too much? are we hindering / limiting our ability to communicate in person (which is also a very important skill)?

  3. I think it is, now more people use this kind of communication so they spend less time whith their family or friends and dont pay attention to who they are talking to, and it is kind of rude for other people. But it has also helped a lot in staying informed with the news like sports, economy, tourism and things like that.

  4. I think toutube is an always will be a entretaintment site

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. i think that youtube is not only to watch funny videos or that kind of thing, i think that with youtube you can learn more about a place or country, it is also to know what is happening around the world.
    Other sites are facebook twitter... etc. are ways to keep in touch with friends.

  7. well, i think that the ways to communicate nowadays are really important and have made a huge impact in our society, however some people, most of them teenagers,they haven't been using them as they should, and it could be dangerou, it's also a problem because they do not spend the proper time with their family or being in the outsides enjoying other things in life that are esential in a human being's health, and they haven't been using them as they should, and it could be dangerous.

  8. i think it is a good site to make a message go out because of its million of viewers so it will always be intertainment but if there is a message it is good for that.
