Thursday, January 14, 2010

Earthquake has killed in Haiti

On tuesday (the 12th) morning a very bad Earth Quake hit Port au Prince (in Haiti).
Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive told CNN Wednesday the death toll from the earthquake that rocked his country could be "well over 100,000."

The 7.0-magnitude (accourding to the Rechter Scale) quake struck Tuesday afternoon, and has left Port-au-Prince, the capital city, in dust.

The Haitian President René Préval told the Miami Herald, today (13th), he has been stepping over more than thousand dead bodies prettly much everywhere.

"We have to do an evaluation," Préval said, describing the scene as "unimaginable."

"All of the hospitals are full with people. It is a catastrophe,'' he said.

"Parliament has collapsed. The tax office has collapsed. Schools have collapsed. Hospitals have collapsed,'' he told the paper. "There are a lot of schools that have a lot of dead people in them.''

Shattered communication systems in the Caribbean country made it impossible to immediately determine the number of dead bodies from the Tuesday afternoon quake, but an International Red Cross official estimated that three million people in the impoverished country of nine million may have been affected and could need emergency aid.


1. What could be done to protect people from dying in these aggressive earthquake?

2. Which region do you thing suffer more of earthquake than other and why?


  1. Nice Job Alex!
    Well I think that this whole earthquake in Haiti situation is very sad and frustrating, and unfortunately, we can't really stop or prevent an earthquake (from what i know), so it is really bad.
    Anyways, I think that the city, Port-au-Prince was more affected than it's surroundings.

  2. Thank you i know when you look at the picture they are very sad and frustating. The people are so unlucky because they are poor and it hard to rebuild everthing. Im sad :(

  3. I think its terrible that the quake struck there of all places.With all the poverty in Haiti, the people of Haiti are pretty much helpless. The positive point is definately that the world has all joined together in an effort to save as many people as possible

  4. I think that this is an interesting subject, I think the people in Haiti are suffering a lot its bad because we don’t control the earthquakes and they make a huge impact, I really don’t know which region is the one that is suffering more but I think its port au prince because its the capital and I think that the earthquake hit specially there, I think that they have to move the hurt people to Dominican republic, Cuba or some suburbs like that because it has the resources to take care of the injured but unfortunately the Haitians are not allowed to go from Haiti.

  5. I HATE this I wish i was there to help the people that really need it i would go if i was older or and if i wasn't at school.

  6. Nice job alex, i think that people in haiti are not very lucky because they have a very hard time and that they can't control the earthquakes and there is a lot of people that are suffering from this natural disaster. The only thingm that we can do is to give money to help them getting support and getting food.

  7. The worst hing in this story are the aftershock because what survived is being desrtroy.

  8. I hate this thing of the earthquake in Haiti!!! It is terrible.... But I thing this should be a reminder for every counrty in the world, we have to be prepared for this kind of disasters.

    Good job Alex.

  9. Every time i watch the news i see that there is something going on over there in Haiti.:(

  10. Good Job Alex, and it would be so hard to get prepared in haiti for earthquakes cause they are such a poor country.... its so sad:(
