Sunday, December 6, 2009

cholera epidemic in Kenya

A cholera epidemic is sweeping across Kenya, with 4700 cases reported in the past month and 119 deaths. the most stricken areas are the arids swarts of northern Kenya, which were hit this year.
colera is spreadig fast one of the things that is helping the virus to srpead is the rain because it makes the ground wet and then is all dirty so when peolpe walke the dirt goes with them and it might have the ionfection with it.
cholera is a diarrheal illness caused by a bacterial infection in the intestine.
people exposed to cholera germ scan get sick with hours and die within a day if the infection is not treated.
the best treatment is rehydration salts to restore fluids to the body. the best prevention is for people to wash their hands a lot.

what would you do if you lived in Kenya?

what would you do if you were a doctor in Kenya?


  1. Nice job!
    If I lived in Kenya or be a doctor there. First I would book my flight back home!(hehe)
    But if I didn't have the choice to leave, I would just be very careful, and instal lots of hand sanitazers. I would also explain about the desease to people and how can they be more careful about it.
    Still, the best thing to do is to get out of there!!!!

  2. Good article Daniela. But i would not want to died in Kenya with out my familly. Like Fernanda said we should put han sanitazers and explain to them waht is the desease and that they can died if they don't do what we say to them because it's dangerous.

  3. its really scary to know that some places are dangerous like that and you cant even be clean where you live..and ya fer i would probably go home also. but you really need to be careful where you are and what you touch
